Friday, July 5, 2013

The Start of the Battle

Lately I have just felt like shit.  I have not been taking care of myself really at all.  I have been eating however I want to, not even thinking about the consequences.  It’s very easy to do, because diabetes doesn’t feel bad all the time.  My body CRAVES sugar and fat like air.  It has taken its toll though, I am ready to stop this lifestyle and start the new, healthy lifestyle that my body needs to survive.  If I ever want to conceive, I’m going to have to get myself together and really allow my body to do what it needs to do.  I’ve said this so many times that I’m having a hard time believing that I can do it, but I’m determined.  I know if I keep going how I’m going I’ll die young, or worse, I’ll be the only reason my dreams of being a mother haven’t come true. 

I can’t start out this journey like a scene from Rocky.  I can’t put in every ounce of my gusto just yet because I’m tired, and I know I can’t sustain that level of enthusiasm for very long… Been there, done that.  So I’m going into this journey with a whisper.

To battle my type 2 diabetes I was prescribed Metformin 2000mgs/day, and two different types of insulin long acting and fast acting.  What I’m going to do today, is take 1000mgs of Metformin.  I’m also going to give myself my long acting insulin because it too is once a day.  I’m going to do this for a week.  Next Friday I will be upping my dose to 2000mgs.  After a week of that I’ll start adding my fast acting insulin.  I’ve started a twitter account so I can post my blood sugar readings and anything else I care to share.  A link should be posted at the top left of the page under my about me section.

I’m going to have to dig up my meter, and I’m going to be scouring pinterest for recipes and the like.  Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Sugar Mama!!! Making the decision to change your life style is the first step so now by doing all this you will be well on your way walking forward toward your goal...eventually you'll be jogging then running as you cross your final finish line! I am so excited to follow along!
